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City of Okabena
Council Minutes
November 15th, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brent Groen.
A motion was made by LeAnn and seconded by Lance to approve the meeting agenda.
A motion was made by Brent and seconded by LeAnn to approve the October 25thth, 2021 meeting minutes.
Joe Liepold from People Service talked about the new testing equipment that will be purchased in December. This piece of equipment will replace all of the outdated equipment and be capable of running numerous water tests for the city.
Darren from maintenance talked about the storm drain near St. Johns. The council will have a working plan in the Spring to repair the drain along with the shut off valve that will be in the same area.
Darren also stated that he will be listing the old John Deere tractor, loader and blower in the Tri- County news. The ad will include the tractor and loader as one unit and the blower will be separate. Sealed bids will be accepted until Dec. 21, 2021.
Larry talked about the update of the shop building and that they will be starting the construction this week and will have the shell up towards the end of the year.
LeAnn will talk to Blue Barn manager Brandon to get a list together for the HLO Foundation on items that the Blue Barn is needing. An application will be submitted before the new year.
Christmas in Okabena will take place Dec. 8th at the Blue Barn and the city will enter a tree in the Festival of Trees.
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Report was reviewed.
Clerk Valerie Ling talked about updates on the 2022 Budget and at the next meeting in December our city budget will be finalized.
A motion was made by Larry and seconded by LeAnn to approve payment of the bills presented.
Having no further business, a motion was made by LeAnn and seconded by Larry to adjourn the meeting.