Happenings 1950-1959
Business Census 1950's
First State Bank
Tire and Repair Shop-I. Bayerkohler
Sontag Lumber Company
Ray Ahrens Implement
Farmer's Co-op Oil
Gustav Seydel, Jr. – Contractor
Mansmith's Luncheonette
Paulson Grocery
Kruse Tavern
August Atz Hardware
Farmer's Co-op Elevator
Schulz Bros. – Truckers
Okabena Co-op Creamery
Gentry's Red and White Store
Vernon Behrens Cornshelling
Ted Milbrath Garage sold to Lokker Bros.
Village to have water survey.
117 votes cast for waterworks system - 5 to 1 for system.
Old Settlers Picnic at Okabena and Okabena Homecoming.
Parade starts 4th of July Celebration.
Henry Mikelson retires after 38 years in elevator.
Louis Kruse meets brother after 20 years
Snowstorm stops school for 5 days.
Schulz Bros. open Oil station.
Village votes 101 to 15 for water system.
Meryl Ostwald elected to school board.
Senior class trip to Lake Superior north shore.
Diagonal road received bituminous surface.
Farewell party for Calvin Paulson's.
Parade starts 4th of July Celebration.
St. John's votes to quit Missouri Synod.
Auxiliary sponsors Halloween party.
Paul Hartman elected County Farm Bureau president.
Kenneth Gehrls leaves for Air Corps.
Bluehawks win sub-district.
Footings started for water tower.
Lutheran church involved in lawsuit.
Heron Lake defeats Okabena in football for the first time in seven years.
Lloyd Ruthenbeck buys Atz Hardware.
Another successful 4th of July celebration.
Earl Mansmith's lease Cafe.
Headline: Bluehawks lose to Mighty Heron Lake 48 to 49.
Another successful 4th of July celebration.
Business club election results: President - E. C. Gentry, Vice Pres.- Paul Schulz, Secretary-treasurer - James Groff. Committees appointed: Trade, Goodwill, Improvement, Recreation, Progress and Food.
Legion and Auxiliary to sponsor 75th Anniversary of town. Items relating to celebration in the Press every week from January to celebration dates, of June 5th and 6th.
Rodney Groff and Myron Sievert get together in Korea.
Addition proposed for school. Later addition proposed plan for auditorium etc.
Campaign on school bonds.
Bond election passes 345 to 62
Seniors leave on trip to North Shore
Another successful 4th of July celebration.
Carol Swenson "Miss Okabena" at 75th Celebration.
Louis Hussong file for candidate for state representative.
Dedication of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
St. John's celebrates 60th Anniversary.
Warren Ahrens, Sharon Kazemba and Glen Morrison win State Farmer Award.
Daniel Scweikert wins scholarship to Yale.
George Stephenson retires.
New gym has full house - Win from Brewster 53-41
Dedicate new school addition. George Stephenson honored at dedication.
First State Bank celebrates 50th with show featuring WCCO stars. Over 1,100 in attendance.
Farm numbering system instituted by Fire department.
Parade starts 4th of July Celebration.
Local creamery votes merger with Lakefield.
All Western Horse show at Okabena sponsored by Spafford Thunder Riders.
Rev. Ude new Pastor at St. John's.
Another successful 4th of July celebration.
FFA places 2nd in the District.
First State Bank has open house for new facilities.
Parker Cafe opens.
Steven Scheppmann and Raymond Milbrath receive State Farmers Awards.
Heron Lake celebrates Diamond Jubilee.
Concrete play area built in City Park .
Okabena Creamery reaches 60th anniversary.
5,000 celebrate the 4th of July at Okabena.
Arlene Schoone candidate for Miss Minnesota.
Benefit game for Lyle Peters.
Dale Foell elected president of Okabena Business Club.
Harold Hussong takes over Okabena Feed and Fertilizer Business.
F. Scheppmann & Son build new office building.
Daniel Schweikert graduates from Yale.
Summer Recreation Program established.
Another successful 4th of July celebration.
Henry Peterson succeeds Leroy Hindt as elevator manager.
J. Kilden new manager of Sontag Lumber Co.
Gerald Fox new buyer at Hormel's.
(Okabena's history was provided courtesy of the Okabena Centennial Edition of
The Okabena Press, Jackson County History Books, Jackson County Historical Museum and Tri-County News.)