City of Okabena
Council Minutes
August 16th, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brent Groen.
A motion was made by Lance and seconded by LeAnn to approve the meeting agenda.
A motion was made by LeAnn and seconded by Larry to approve the July 19th 2021 meeting minutes.
A motion was by LeAnn and seconded by Larry to approve Rich Vogt’s resignation and declare that a vacancy still exists for Council. Larry made a motion and was seconded by LeAnn to appoint Eli Wass as a council member on this day August 16th, 2021. Eli Wass was sworn in and took an Oath as a member of the Okabena City Council.
Blue Barn Manager Brandon Powers talked about the new menus that will be available at the end of the month. Brandon mentioned that all football games for this season for NFL will be available for the public. He also noted that the new gift cards are now available for purchase.
The council welcomed Jody Madsen from the Summer Rec program. Jody reviewed the profits made from this year’s 2021 Summer Rec concessions. A report was provided with all expenditures and reimbursements.
Darren from Maintenance updated us on the street repairs and a possible start date before the start of the school year. The council went over the most crucial areas that are in need of repairs such as areas by the high school, Sherwood Acres and main street.
Darren will be looking into bids to get these projects completed.
A request was made to possibly put Christmas lights up in the city park this winter. The council will look into getting volunteers to put up and take down lights and possibly acquire some funding for the lights through the Community Foundation Organization.
The maintenance department was able to get a quote for a new snow blower for the city payloader.
Darren also noted that we will be listing the John Deere Tractor, loader and blower to help with this expense.
A motion was made by Lance and seconded by Larry to purchase the Quick Attach snowblower unit.
Larry talked about the update of the shop building and that we should be receiving some materials this fall to get started from Brewster Lumber.
Lance made a motion to approve the Polling Place Resolution and was seconded by Larry
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Report was reviewed.
A motion was made by Larry and seconded by LeAnn to approve payment of the bills presented.
Having no further business, a motion was made by Lance and seconded by Larry to adjourn the meeting.